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7 Tips for Women Reentering the Workforce After a Career Gap

  Are you one of the many women who took a break from work and are now eager to return? You're not alone, though. Because of the high expense of child care and the general absence of adequate maternity leave in the United States, many women quit their employment for a period of time to care for young children. Other women quit their jobs to care for aging parents. Caring for family members is the top one reason women quit the workforce for a period of time.  Many of these women may seek to re-enter the workforce later in life, but this is not always an easy task because a career gap may be a challenging barrier to overcome in the job-search process. However, it does not have to be if the problem is addressed upfront.  Here are some fantastic pointers for ladies who want to return to work after a professional break: Tip 1: Be open about your career hiatus. Tip 2: Exude confidence. Tip 3: Reconsider your resume. Tip 4: Get ready for your interviews. tip 5: Rebuild your network. Tip 6

11 Different Ways to Make Money Reading Books

You may believe that nothing beats becoming lost in a fantastic book. But it is feasible to earn pay to spend your time immersed in your favorite stories.

There are several methods to get money from reading, ranging from joining BookTok to launching a literary blog to narrating audiobooks.

Some are fantastic side hustles to pursue while studying, while others are full-time employment options. You can find money-making ideas that work for you in our list below.

1. Join BookTok 

TikTok has had a significant impact on the reading habits of many people in the United Kingdom (and elsewhere throughout the world). There have been indications of an increase in book sales as a result of recommendations on BookTok, TikTok's brand for book-focused videos.

Book-related material is also known as 'Bookstagram' on Instagram and 'BookTube' on YouTube. If you join BookTok, you will be able to effortlessly share identical material on Bookstagram and BookTube, allowing you to expand your online brand across numerous platforms.

If you want to become a well-known book reviewer, creating a BookTok account is a terrific place to start. It enables you to turn your reading pleasure into a source of income on social media.

When you initially start out, you're unlikely to make much (if any) money through BookTok. However, if you've amassed a sizable following, you may explore brand sponsorship and affiliate marketing options.

Reading books has the potential to make a lot of money at this stage. In a Guardian piece on BookTok, an unidentified content creator stated that they may charge up to £8,000 for two movies.

However, some people are concerned that not all sponsored content on BookTok contains legitimate suggestions. Remember that you may earn money for material that expresses your true feelings in books, which will ensure that visitors can believe what you say.

2. Write book reviews as a freelancer

As a freelancer, you may write book reviews.

Do you enjoy reading? And what about writing? Consider earning money as a freelance writer.

It might be tough to receive paid commissions as a new freelancer, but it is achievable.

It helps to boost your pitches if you can include links to previous articles you've authored. These might be published on your own website or for a publication such as a student paper at a university.

When you do begin pitching, target newspapers and periodicals that cater to your reading preferences. For example, if you want to write about nineteenth-century classics, a magazine focused on current blockbusters will not be a good fit.

You may try your hand at writing reviews for websites like Reedsy Discovery. There is a tipping system in place. If people enjoy your work, they may leave you a tip of $1 (about £0.80), $3 (approximately £2.40), or $5 (around £4).

More tips on pitching article ideas as a freelancer may be found in our guide to making money from writing.

3- Create a book blog

The benefit of creating a blog is that it allows you to write anything you want, whenever you want. Furthermore, it is feasible to profit from it.

Earning an income as a blogger, like the other strategies discussed above, takes time. However, you might gradually begin to generate a consistent income from it. The more popular the blog becomes, the more money it will make.

Affiliate marketing is a great method to monetize your site. This is when a publisher (i.e. you, the blogger) recommends a product or service. Then, when readers follow your advice and make a purchase or join up for a service, you receive a tiny commission.

4- Run a book club 

Book clubs allow you to meet individuals who share your interests and discuss books. Is there anything greater than that?

It does, in fact. You'd have the option to earn money by hosting a book club.

You might charge a nominal fee to members if you conduct the book club online or in person. Members will recognize that time and effort go into the successful operation of the club and will be pleased to compensate you for your position as the organizer.

If you charge a fee, you must ensure that the book club is engaging and well-run. Otherwise, it would be difficult to keep members coming back week after week.

It will also assist if you are well-versed in literature and literary criticism. If you're studying English Literature at university, for example, include that in any book club advertisements.

You may have author events in addition to regular book club sessions (when everyone reads the same book and discusses it together). This entails inviting an author to a book club Q&A session.

Try Meetup to locate members for your book club. People looking for a new book club in your neighborhood (or anywhere in the world if the meetings are virtual) can find you on our site.

5- Proofread books for money

Why not get paid to read novels and nonfiction books if you already do it in your spare time? You can do so as an author proofreader.

While still in college, you might start editing books for money. Freelance book proofreaders promote their skills on sites like Fiverr for as little as £4.23 for a basic plan. This generally entails proofreading a tiny portion of text.

Proofreading and editing expenses can occasionally reach £600 or more.

You must have outstanding attention to detail as well as a strong command of spelling and grammar for this job. You'll also need to be able to fulfill tight deadlines, so being a rapid reader will come in handy.

6- Make a career as a book podcaster

You might earn money by chatting about your favorite stories and novels if you started a literary podcast. Ideal.

If your podcast becomes popular, you might want to explore advertising and sponsorship options. Getting to that stage might take a lot of time and effort, but it can pay off if you're dedicated to making your podcast a success.

A successful podcast might make you £900 or more each month.

However, there may be expenses. To become a professional podcaster, you'll most likely need to purchase audio recording equipment or hire a podcast studio.

To save money when initially starting out, it may be worth recording the episodes on your phone. Then, as your audience grows, it may be time to invest in higher-quality equipment.

7- Earn money by narrating audiobooks

If being paid to talk about books isn't enough for you, you might also get money by reading books aloud as an audiobook narrator.

Narrating audiobooks is akin to doing voice-over work.

It will be advantageous if you have the appropriate experience for this position. If you studied theatre at university, worked in student radio, volunteered as a book reader for charity, or did anything similar, your narration abilities will improve.

Auditioning to narrate audiobooks through the ACX website is a fantastic method to get started in this line of employment. Audiobooks created on this site are subsequently sent to Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

8- Work as a book editor

We discussed proofreading as a technique to generate money from reading before. Working as a book editor include proofreading, but it frequently extends beyond surface-level checks for mistakes to consider the book's entire creation and production.

Book editing jobs at publishing firms are often full-time graduate positions. If you have a degree in English Literature or anything equivalent, it will be advantageous.

The average compensation for a book editor in the UK is roughly £36,000, according to Glassdoor.

9- Make a living as a literary agent

Literary agents have a significant impact on the success of published authors. A competent agent will identify promising authors and nurture them throughout their writing careers.

Their duties frequently include reading and editing book manuscripts as well as negotiating book deals with publishing organizations.

This is a full-time position that would fit a keen reader who understands what it takes for a book to be a commercial and critical success.

A related degree, such as English Literature, will be advantageous.

Literary agents in the United Kingdom make an average compensation of roughly £28,300, according to Glassdoor.

10- Create book covers

Designing book covers for writers is a fantastic opportunity to combine a love of reading and art. In fact, drawing book covers is one of the finest methods to market art.

It may be used to supplement your income while attending university or as a full-time employee.

Try advertising on sites like Fiverr or Upwork to locate freelancing gigs. The pay for these assignments may vary based on your skill level and the length of time necessary for the project.

To get a sense of how much to charge, look at what other designers are charging on Fiverr and Upwork.

11- Translate books into another language

Working as a book translator may be a tough, yet rewarding, job if you want to make money using your language talents.

Book translation entails much more than merely comprehending the content of the material and recreating it in another language.

Because of variances in syntax across languages, translators sometimes face tough literary considerations. Essentially, their translations must maintain the original text's writing style while adhering to the standards of the language into which it is being translated.

The original author will occasionally employ words or phrases that are unique to their language. As the translator, you must determine how to handle this from both the author's and the reader's perspectives.

This might include leaving specific terms in the original language if you're convinced the reader will understand them, or translating them into words that are close but not identical.

Check for a translator's comment at the conclusion of the next translated work you read. These annotations can provide intriguing insights into the translator's difficult word choices.

It will be advantageous if you have at least an undergraduate degree in a second language.


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